Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/22

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Subject: [Leica] The "impending doom" of film (now vinyl oddity)
From: geebee at (GeeBee)
Date: Sun Jan 22 02:16:19 2006
References: <000d01c61f3b$e34c7c90$0202a8c0@acer81080ea37f>

I once saw a documentary on how vinyl albums were pressed, ball of vinyl
between two masters etc. I have a solo LP by Andy Fraser the bass player in
Free. The labels for side 'A' and side 'B' are different as are the track
listings but the pressing is the same 5 tracks on both sides. Am I rich? :-)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Unsworth" <>
To: "'Leica Users Group'" <>
Sent: 22 January 2006 10:09
Subject: RE: [Leica] The "impending doom" of film

> A dealer will offer you peanuts as you've found. I've sold LPs on eBay.
> Depending on the rarity and condition - _especially_ condition - they can
> sell for attractive prices.
> I had a few Beatles EPs that I picked up for a song that all went for more
> than 100 GBP to Japanese collectors. However they were original 60s
> pressing. If you have anything similar and sell it expect lots of very
> detailed questions about the text on labels etc and be prepared to send
> photographs of the label.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Seth Rosner
> Sent: 21 January 2006 22:03
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] The "impending doom" of film
> Mark or someone help me. I had a few hundred LPs and dozens of old
> 78s. Then my immdeiate past wife and I inherited from a very dear friend
> client of mine much of the contents of her home, including probably
> 1500-2000 LP and 78 records. Former wife wanted to give them to the junk
> dealer who offered to cart them away at no cost. I said no. Former wife
> said, ok you pay to have them packed and shipped upt to Saratoga Springs.
> says I and did.
> Now, how do I find a serious buyer for anything other than peanuts, except
> by indexing and selling one-by-one on eBay?
> Seth
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Langer" <>
> To: "Leica Users Group" <>
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Leica] The "impending doom" of film
> I held onto my collection of LPs when everyone assured me that they had
> the way of the dodo.  Now there is all sorts of equipment made for
> vinyl snobs abound, and there are even manufacturers of high end
> for LPs, some using tube amps based on 1950s technology.  My view is that
> are headed that way with film.  Analog is king!
> Mark
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Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] The "impending doom" of film (now vinyl oddity))
Reply from lug at (Steve Unsworth) ([Leica] The "impending doom" of film (now vinyl oddity))
In reply to: Message from lug at (Steve Unsworth) ([Leica] The "impending doom" of film)