Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/17

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Subject: [Leica] st. Petersburg
From: bruce at (bruce)
Date: Tue Jan 17 01:52:12 2006
References: <>

Hio Marty,

If you are able to give others the pleasure of visiting, in your way,  
places of delight, then the viewing, as "family" member, is much  


On 17-jan-2006, at 7:51, Deveney, Marty (PIRSA) wrote:

> John:
>> I enjoyed these photos a lot. Just because I'm nosy: what film,  
>> lens did
> you use - or are these digital?
> Thanks John.  All the 35 mm ones were taken with an M7 and a 50/2  
> or 50/1 on
> Neopan 400 and 1600 - the nocti was used wide open, so most of the  
> shots
> done with it are identifiable by being slightly softer/smoother and  
> with
> vignetting.  The few square and square-ish ones from Kizhi were  
> done on
> Neopan 400 with a Rolleiflex F.  Everything was developed in Xtol 1 
> +3 with
> 3g/L additional isoascorbate.  The main problem I experienced with  
> these was
> that try as I might, I cannot get Neopan 1600 to have adequate  
> density or
> shadow detail when shot at 1600.
> Ted:
>> A couple of things. Never put up photos, then make excuses for  
>> those that
> don't cut it! Simply because you pull down the
>> complete set! Bad move! If you have to make excuses for your  
>> photography
> then don't post them. Look at it this way..."If in
>> doubt? OUT!" For family? Cool! as they think every shot you make  
>> you're a
> brilliant photographer as happens in nearly every
>> family. ;-)
> Hi Ted.  I appreciate your comments, as always.  I knew someone  
> would say
> this as son as I sent that message.  These photos are only really  
> there for
> friends and family, but I thought I'd point out that they were  
> there as part
> of the St Petersburg thread.  Next time I'll stick to my original  
> plan of
> not alerting the LuG.  I'm an awful editor of my own work and don't  
> have
> access to a friendly picture editor anymore.  So I upload whatever  
> I feel
> like uploading.
>> One becomes memorized by it's fantastic beauty the moment you walk  
>> inside.
> If there is one place I'd return to in a heart
>> beat it's St. Petersburg and the Hermitage! :-)
> I agree entirely.  I did some work at the Russian Academy of  
> Sciences, just
> across one bridge from the Hermitage, so visiting regularly was quite
> convenient.  I loved St Petersburg generally and the Hermitage  
> specifically.
> It really is among the greatest collections of Western art  
> anywhere.  I'd
> spend a year in there if I could.
>> I would trust you shot colour in the Hermitage and the B&W's  
>> posted merely
> a token of the shoot. Having shot a documentary
>> in '92 on the Hermitage I cannot for the life of me even contemplate
> shooting B&W in such a magnificent edifice!
> I shot the whole trip (Japan, Russia & China) in B&W only.  I have the
> pleasure of having to photograph only for myself now.  I do it how  
> I want,
> when I want.  My wife shot a lot of photos of the art and building in
> colour, but almost all of my photos were of visitors, guards and  
> guides.  I
> bought several books about the collection and the buildings, which  
> contain
> far better photos than any visitor could take (taken after hours,  
> with the
> place cleared out, on large format).  So these ones that I posted  
> are my
> personal record of that part of the trip.  If they were colour, they
> wouldn't be how I want to see them - I have the books for that.
> You may recognise your signature lighting in the snap I took of  
> Rembrandt's
> "Portrait of an old man in red".  8-)
> Later,
> Marty
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In reply to: Message from deveney.marty at (Deveney, Marty (PIRSA)) ([Leica] st. Petersburg)