Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/08/15

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Subject: [Leica] I could have done that
From: jem.kime at (Jem Kime)
Date: Sun Aug 15 23:58:55 2004
References: <>

Damien Hirst was indeed the artist I mentioned earlier regarding the
coloured spots (and the half cow in formaldehyde). I found the spots here
and then found that you can now buy a 'Painting by Numbers' kit (remember
them?)  from Mr Hirst to replicate the 'spots' work, here it is:
perhaps I should acquire this, but then again...
In fact the idea of someone else making (or completing) an artist's work is
not that new.
Back in 1976 (over a quarter of a century ago) Carl Andre produced
'Equivalent VIII', to most people this was merely a pile of 120 bricks.
Having paid a large amount of money for this the London Tate Gallery was
very disappointed when the artist himself did not come to 'install' and
arrange them but subcontracted the work to a local building firm! A couple
of workmen promptly laid the bricks out in a pile as instructed by Andre!
Again, it comes back to the idea, or 'idee' as Marcel Duchamp would have put
it, perhaps the first artist to work with conceptual art, rather than
realism. His seminal work in 1913 he titled a 'readymade' (he hadn't made it
all) was a bicycle wheel on a stool. It asked questions rather than
providing answers.
That's what Len Freed (the photographer) says is what distinguishes good
photos from bad ones, they invite the viewer in to ask questions rather than
merely presenting a 'fait accompli'.
So I think there are grounds for sharing some of the spirit of these modern
artists, quite where we draw the line is always a personal one.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Klein" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 2:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Leica] I could have done that

> Ted:  You're referring to Damien Hirst.  This is the same guy who could
> fool art critics, but not the janitor.   Feli will identify with the
> I'm sure:
> Here's Dave Barry's take on it:
> --Peter
> At 04:46 PM 8/15/04 -0700, Ted wrote:
> >Hi  Greg,
> >Do I ever! Apart from this one and one where the "arteest" made something
> >out of meat and left it rotting in the National Art Gallery and the same
> >damn over paid government art idiots called art buyers, paid him an
> >sum for a hanging pile of rotting meat!
> >
> >As far as I'm concerned many of these fools are quite easy to pay out
> >sums of money for all kinds of silliness and garbage while using "tax
> >payer's money." However, if they had to fork over a percentage of their
> >salaries when they make decisions of monetary magnitude, I bet they'd be
> >extremely careful at what stupid things they waste our money on.
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Replies: Reply from feli at (Feli di Giorgio) ([Leica] NY lab)
In reply to: Message from pklein at (Peter Klein) ([Leica] I could have done that)