Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/06/25

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Subject: [Leica] Tina and Her Computer: Lightening Strike!
From: grduprey at (
Date: Fri Jun 25 07:34:57 2004


Sounds like you need to update the Laptop also.  I just got a new E
Machines unit that really cooks!  ;-)  1999 vintage, sounds like the
computer was ready for replacement anyway. ;-)


|         |           Tina Manley <images@InfoAve.Net>             |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                   |
|         |                                                        |
|         |                                                        |
|         |           06/25/2004 07:54 AM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
|         |                                                        |
  |       To:       Leica Users Group <>                  
  |       cc:                                                                
  |       Subject:  Re: [Leica] Tina and Her Computer:  Lightening Strike!   

At 09:29 PM 6/24/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Do you mean that you left your computer ON while you were gone?  Argh!
>This is most environmentally unfriendly, as it both consumes electricity
>unnecessarily and adds ozone to the atmosphere for no reason.

Marc -

I am not the only one who uses "my" computer.  My daughter and husband were

still here.  Laura uses my computer because it has a fast internet hook-up
and she needs it to do research for her classes.  My husband uses it for
his business e-mail when he is home.  The computer was hooked up to a big
APC battery back-up and the lightning got that, too.

I'm getting a newer, faster, bigger computer to replace my fried 1999 model

so everything should be fine next week.  In the meantime, I'm trying to
work on the laptop and it's driving me crazy.  I left it running all night
(working!!) and it only managed to convert 100 of the thousands of RAW
photos I took in Honduras.  I'm developing film today, but can't hook the
scanner up to the laptop so that will have to wait, too.


Tina Manley, ASMP

Leica Users Group.
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