Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/05/18

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Subject: [Leica] Best Lenses To Take To Honolulu
From: grduprey at (
Date: Tue May 18 08:58:41 2004

Well let's put it this way  i plan on taking all of my lenses and 3 leicas
on our trip to Germany and Poland in December, but Should I/or is it wise
to take the 560/6.8 Telyt?  I ask this as it could be mistaken by one of
the local authorities as a rifle, especially if i use the shoulder stock,
which is probably the best way to steady this lens.  i would not want them
to shoot first and ask questions later, but this is my only really long


|         |           "B. D. Colen" <>        |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |           05/18/2004 07:51 AM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
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  |                                                                                         |
  |       To:       "'Leica Users Group'" <>                             |
  |       cc:                                                                               |
  |       Subject:  RE: [Leica] Best Lenses To Take To Honolulu                             |

Ted - Don't apologize! Don't back down! Don't modify your response!

I missed the original post, so I don't know who I'm insulting here...But
allow me to add to the insult...

As folks who have been on the LUG for any length of time know all too
well, the "what lens
should I take to...(Honolulu, Austin, Paris, Easter Island, my
mother-in-law's 8th wedding) is a perennial). And as Ted sagely knows,
it is unanswerable - even if people who have been where you are going
know what you own.

IF the asker has ever used his or her camera, he or she knows what he or
she likes to shoot, and knows what lenses he or she needs to shoot it.
You do street shooting with 28 to 50s - then that's what you need? You
like to shoot flowers with a macro? You need a macro. You specialize in
long shots of people or distant buildings, trees, rocks or barns, you
need what ever you shoot them with at home. Good Dog! said the dyslexic,
how can this be such a difficult question? And as for those who will
say, 'well I'm going to Easter Island for the first time and I don't
know what I'll find there' - either you're going there precisely BECAUSE
you know what you'll find there and you've long wanted to see it, or
you're being sent there on business, and know nothing about the place -
in which case you can Google it (Plug for Brian) and find out more about
it in 15 minutes than our parents would have found out spending a day in
the library.

Geeeeeeseeee Louiseeeeee~!

B. D.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Ted Grant
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:42 AM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: Re: [Leica] Best Lenses To Take To Honolulu

David asked:
Subject: [Leica] Best Lenses To Take To Honolulu

> I am planning to visit Honolulu and wonder which lenses will best suit

> the shootings there.  It is my first time to visit there and have no
> idea
> focal length will serve me better.  Any suggestion will be
> appreciated. Either M or R will do.<<<

You asked so here's my answer from the experience of shooting there on
several assignments !

R8 body:

15 - 21 - 35 - 100 macro - 280 2.8 and a 400 2.8! 1.4 and 2X extenders!
If you think I'm kidding......... I'm not. You asked what lenses to
take, so there you go!! And they are the lenses I used and would use
again if I were going there on a shoot!.

An option in case that's a little heavy duty, take the following zoom
combination :
21 - 35 ....   35 - 70 and ...... 80 - 200mm f 4.0.  With that
you pretty well have your ass and most subjects covered. Other than a
super long tele shot. And if you are only taking the zooms make sure you
take a 2X extender for use with the 80-200 zoom, then you've got at
least a 400mm reach if needed.

Oh yes and a 100 macro.

Lenses for the M7 take these:  three bodies!  OK ok 2!
15 CV .... 21 f 2.8 ...... 35 1.2 CV and definately a 50 f 1.0 Noctilux
in case you'll be shooting in the twilight zone of the evening with 100
colour slide film. I rarely use anything longer than the 50 on an M.

Why ask us what lenses to take when :

A/ we don't have a clue what you own!
B/ We don't have a clue what you shoot!
C/ We don't have a clue what time of day you intend on shooting. D/ We
don't............... oh forget it.........!

Actually the answer should be .......... take every damn lens you own!
And then some!


Oh hell I know I'm in the glue again for that answer! But really!

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Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Best Lenses To Take To Honolulu)
Reply from n.wajsman at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] Best Lenses To Take To Germany/Poland)
Reply from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Best Lenses To Take To Honolulu)