Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/05/10

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Ten years behind? I think not
From: grduprey at (
Date: Mon May 10 11:07:23 2004

Yes, but the Carl Zeiss lenses made for the Contax are completely made in
Japan, not in Germany.  So there is a huge difference in labor costs.


|         |           "Felix Lopez de Maturana"                    |
|         |           <>                    |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                                        |
|         |           05/08/2004 05:58 AM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
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  |       To:       <>                                                   |
  |       cc:                                                                               |
  |       Subject:  [Leica] Re: Ten years behind?  I think not                              |

>Hi Felix,
>Why not post here what you like and/or dislike about the R8?

I'll try with pleasure, Greg


- Without any doubt the outstanding quality of some lenses, everyone has
choices, and ,therefore, of the images that the camera produces,
- The quality of the building construction, hoever the quality launching
problems. Mine works flawlessly,
- The simplicity. No hesitation if you are in hurry, you find quick the
you need.
- The finder, due to quality of pentaprism and screen, is clear and
contrasty however has a not neutra color rendition
- The shape that mades easy the handling
- The well designed lever for EV correction without keeping out your eye
from finder
- The small and practical winder


- Size and weight for a non motorized, non autofocus camera
- Lack of autofocus. I know this is a personal opinion but I'm so used from
my first EOS 620 to point and focus, press the button, memorize and
recompose that I miss this feature.
- The price of lenses. I know that you must pay if you wish the quality but
Car Zeiss lenses are cheaper for the Contax -excepting the biggest teles-
not to speak about Canon/Nikon that if, generally speaking may be behind
they are muvh better in performasnces/prize ratio. In my humble opinion
nothing beats the Contax G performances/price in non reflex cameras and a
combo Aria/Contax lenses in manual focusing. The defeat of Kyocera is a
catastrophe. In autofocus t6here are lots for a right choice with lenses
that if not outstanding are fairly good,
- Just oner body?. Why not a choice with something smaller, lighter ? la
Aria in Contax?
- The future. I don't fear about my Canon equipment neither film nor

Kind regards


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Replies: Reply from timatherton at (Tim Atherton) ([Leica] Re: Ten years behind? I think not)