Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/10/14

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Ebay-fraud?
From: "Patrick \(Washington, DC\)" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 07:30:40 -0700 (PDT)

I was also contacted by a scammer only a few days ago after biddong on
a camera item on eBay.  I played along to make sure that this person
indeed  had no knowledge about the item I was interested in (could not
produce any serial numbers, wanted the money sent by Western Union to
Atlanta when the "me" section for the "seller" was listed as a Bait N'
Tackle shop in NJ etc.)

I reported the matter to the eBay Fraud Group since this is obviously a
case of hi-jacked identity.



- --- Karen Nakamura <> wrote:
> There seems to be a new ebay fraud going around. Soon after an 
> unsuccessful bid for a 35mm f/2 Summicron ASPH, I received these two 
> e-mails in quick succession. Both are rather silly. The first claims 
> that there will be ebay Fraud protection for a private transaction, 
> the second claims profits are going to a charity home for homeless 
> kids, yeah right.
> Karen
> -----
> To member:   nasukaren
>  From member: spock065
> --------------------
> Hello,
> I saw that you have bidded on  Leica M-35mm Summicron f/2.0 Chrome   
> recently.
> I want to inform you that I have one too Leica M-35mm Summicron f/2.0
> Chrome
> and I was wondering if you want to buy it outside
> ebay. I am willing to sell this for 740 USD (shipping and handling
> feesincluded).
> I am a registered and serious seller on eBay. If you want I could ask
> eBay to contact you and certify I am indeed serious and trustworthy.
> This transaction will also be covered under eBay's Fraud Protection
> Program!
> I don't want to list the unit again because of the
> scammers on eBay. It is pretty expensive just to list
> them on eBay.
> Please let me know as soon as possibleif you want this or not.
>              Respectfully
>                                      Eugene Abano
> -------
> All'utente:   nasukaren
> Dall'utente: mortisiamortimer
> --------------------
> Dear eBay user,
>   Please excuse me if I disturb you in any way but I've noticed you 
> are intersted inLeica M-35mm Summicron f/2.0 Chrome ASPH  Item 
> number: 2955960440    .I would like to let you know that I have the 
> same product for a lower price 800$.If you find yourself intersted in
> this product please feel free to email me at 
> can check my feedback:mortisiamortimer 
> and see how many people were satisfied with my services!Please know 
> that the money I will be collecting from you are being collected in a
> charity operation that helps the homeless children!
> Once again forgive me if I disturbed you and thank you for your time!
> --------------------
> Questa email =stata inviata da un utente eBay tramite il sistema di 
> inoltro delle email eBay.
> Se rispondi all'email, la tua risposta sar/inviata direttamente
> all'utente.
> eBay non tollera alcuna forma di spamming (email indesiderate di 
> carattere commerciale) e, per proteggere i propri utenti da questo 
> abuso, sta
> adottando delle nuove strategie. Ti ricordiamo anche che qualsiasi
> invito
>   a comprare o vendere oggetti all'esterno di eBay vセ猛a il
> regolamento eBay e
> per tali operazioni non vengono garantiti i servizi attivati a 
> protezione degli utenti, quali il feedback e il programma di 
> protezione dalle frodi. Se questa offerta sollecita acquisti o 
> vendite di oggetti all'esterno di eBay,
> non partecipare. Per ulteriori informazioni immetti il seguente link 
> nel browser:
> -- 
> Karen Nakamura
> --
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