Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/09/30

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Must see sights in Chicago.
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 13:52:14 -0500

> Museum
> of Contemporary Photography features exhibits and programs that 
> highlight the
> many facets of photography and image making. Located on the 1st floor of 
> the
> Columbia College Chicago building at 600 S. Michigan Ave.,

And the exhibits while you're in Chi'town: 

Paul Shambroom: Evidence of Democracy
October 3 through December 5, 2003
Paul Shambroom photographs local government and town hall meetings throughout
the United States. Using mapping software and a database of over 13,000 meeting
dates, he enters specifications such as "Indiana, 2nd Wednesday, population Ð
2000" into his laptop computer, and charts his photographic journey according to
the results. After obtaining permission to photograph, Shambroom takes pictures
that encapsulate relationships among community leaders, activists, and regular
The second half of the exhibition will consist of photographs Shambroom took
between 1992 and 2001 that present the first comprehensive look inside the US
nuclear arsenal. Shambroom was granted unprecedented access by the government
and made over 30 visits to restricted military sites in 19 states. These images
of warheads, bombers, submarines, missiles, and command centers are at once
visually arresting and chillingly straightforward as they depict military
technology that has profoundly and permanently changed our world. Together,
Shambroom's two series investigate uniquely American expressions of power as
they illuminate these seemingly abstract elements of our government structure.

Midwest Photographers Project: Alec Soth, "Sleeping by the Mississippi"
October 3 through December 5, 2003 

Fond regards,

G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist

<€>Peace<€>   <€>Harmony<€>  <€>Stewardship<€>

Presenting effective messages in beautiful ways
                                     since 1975
web                              <>
voice                              262 241 9375 
fax                                262 241 9398 
                      Lotter Moser & Associates
10050 N Port Washington Rd  -  Mequon, WI 53092
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