Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2000/11/07

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Subject: [Leica] Focusing Hexar RF with Leica lenses
From: Patrick Smith <>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 13:01:39 +0100

Just bought an Hexar -won't get into the reasons why and start a new war- to
use with some of my Leica glass. Before ordering the camera, I went to my
prefered repair shop in Paris, to find out if both were compatible. The tech
said "yes". 

I bought the camera yesterday and did some testing : I used a 35 mm
Summilux, a 50 mm Summilux and the 90 mm AA. The focus is off (the
rangefinder focuses nearer than the real plane of focus) by about 5%,
meaning that if one focuses on some object 2 meters away, the Leica lens on
the Hexar will focus 10 cm shorter than when it should.

Working outside with Tri-X, summiluxes wide open at 4-5 metres range made
the photos look sharp. Focusing the 90 mm AA at 2 meters range did not. My
aim is to use the Hexar RF with my wide angle lenses (15/24/35) on
hyperfocal for quick-and-dirty shooting so it should not matter too much.

Testing the focus between an M6 TTL, an M3, and the hexar (cameras on the
same tripod -quick release- and same lenses), I was able to calcute the
necessary focus differential on the RF patch : I need to turn the lens a tad
more to infinity (actually a tenth of the RF width). Does not look like a
problem for my everyday work.

More on the Hexar :

I can use my 135 mm f:2.8 with eyes on it : it brings up the 90 mm frame,
focus is also possible (within the limits stated above), only a small
- -bottom- part of the VFis obscured.

In use, the camera is VERY quiet : I took a series of shots of loners
drinking in a bar, no-one noticed anything. The advantage over the M is that
you don't have to check exposure : bringing the camera to your eye, fiddling
with the speed knob has always brought some dirty looks before, or try some
unconspicuous move to re-arm the camera after the shot. With the Hexar
yesterday I pre-focused, chose the widest aperture plus some exposure
compensation, and let the camera do the job for me.
The negs look OK under a 10x loupe.

BTW this my last invitation to my exhibit that starts in Paris on Friday
10th, on show at:

LąAtelier des Mélanges
Usine Spring Court
5, passage Piver
75011 Paris

 from Nov. 10 to Dec.12, 2000
   open mon.-fri., 9.00 - 16.00

Recent black and white silver prints of Paris, humanist photography.
Those unable to attend can always check my work at the URL below.

Patrick Smith

Replies: Reply from Lucien <> (Re: [Leica] Focusing Hexar RF with Leica lenses)
Reply from "Tony Woo" <> (Re: [Leica] Focusing Hexar RF with Leica lenses)