Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/06/03

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Subject: Re: Fred and Free Speech
From: (Michael)
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 1996 20:37:19 +1200
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>     It's probably a mistake to keep this thing running, but...I didn't read
>Fred's original post as attacking someone whose views he disagreed with. He
>was simply expressing frustration with some of the recent threads on
>equipment on this list, which *have* bordered on the obsessive. I hope Fred
>continues to contribute in the same vein --- it's good to have someone
>remind us to keep all this crap in perspective. And I didn't notice him
>"running and hiding" or otherwise backing off his remarks -- or did I miss
>something during the Sonics' glorious victory over the Jazz?

        I really find it very hard to believe that someone has the audacity
to call certain contributors to this group obsessive.  It is the absolute
epitomy of arrogance to say that particular threads on this list are
obsessive or not worth having because it is all "crap".  I say to you, how
dare you call yourself the judge of what is or isn't worth discussing.  If
I were one of the initial contributors to the original thread I would be
very upset at your comment; you have not made a comment about the thread,
you have insulted all the contributors to it.
        Perhaps we should all now send our messages to you before we post
to the group; just to make sure it is OK and worth discussing.

Michael Moffatt.