Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/05/21

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Subject: Re: dating M6's
From: Gary J Toop <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 12:05:15 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 19 May 1996, Eric Welch wrote:

> As for Chrome, I prefer the chrome finish because it keeps its look longer
> than the black finish, and I think they look good. In addition, they look
> less "professional" than all black, which seems to me to be an advantage
> when trying to be inobtrusive. Looks like a point and shoot to most people.
> David Allen Harvey had one advantage using Leica Ms in Peru, when the
> shining path guerrillas were still doing their thing, because they didn't
> like journalists. Having a touristy looking camera probably saved him a lot
> of grief.

	Very interesting.  I have watched Harvey's work for a few years 
in National Geopraphic and often admired it.  I heard recently that he 
often goes into the field with no more <g> than to M-6s, three lenses and 
a whole pile of Kodachrome 200.  Do you know if that is true?  If so, then 
that kind of purism really seems to pay off for him!

Gary Toop

Replies: Reply from "joe b." <> (Re: dating M6's)
In reply to: Message from Eric Welch <> (Re: dating M6's)