Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1995/11/02

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To: (Leica Newsgroup)
Subject: Re: 35mm Summicron lens...
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 17:55:14 -0500 (EST)

> Reply-To: Eric Welch <>
> Subject: Re: 35mm Summicron lens
> ** Reply to note from 11/01/95 08:40am PST  
> > I'm talkin about Leica M lenses, not R.
> Oh, my apologies. Okay, here's the facts. :-)
> The 35 Summilux M (standard and chrome) is the oldest formula in the M  
> line... <snip> .... the new Asperic .... is a stunner.  
> It's costs about $2,600 U.S. But how much is the regular one? About  
> $1,900? I say the extra $700 is worth it ...

	Hi -

	Hold on! I paid  US$ 1100 for a brand new Summilux
	in Toronto in May. I stopped considering the Aspheric
	because it's about double that, plus the Aspheric is
	considerably bulkier. Not what I was looking for. So
	instead, I used the difference in $'s and bought
	another lens (90/f2.8) instead. And I've made some
	24X36 enlargements and they look spectacular enough
	for me.

	Note, I'm not knocking the Aspheric. It's just that
	not everybody needs one.

	Happy shooting.

	-- Wolfgang Sachse
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