[Leica] Warning to iPhone users..... Thanks Apple......

Frank Filippone bmwred735i at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 12:23:03 PDT 2022

Apple has again changed something in some pretty recent update to iOS.  Past times they snuck in ways to get access to your phone, changed the 
security features, added features for the 11-16 year olds, or otherwise change settings that you spent hours to find and get right.  It was up to you 
to find these sneaky changes and fix them.


But back to square one.... and the fact that the pictures from the iPhone had suddenly gotten horrible.....


THIS complaint is about the use of your phone as a camera.  In the past, the camera took jpg images.  With some recent iOS update, Apple decide that 
you did not want nor need that anymore.... that their new and  improved HEIC format is what you want.... so they set that in settings as the default.

They even have the nerve to state that the images are just as good as jpg images..... BIG LIE!!!

Let me assure you, the HEIC images are horrid.  Too heavily compressed.  Probably OK if you want to just see them on your phone, but absolutely wrong 
if you want to use the images to make prints, blow up images, or otherwise actually USE the images.

The fix?

Settings > Camera > Formats > Set to Most Compatible.     Done.

Now you are back to where you started..... after spending time to wonder WHY your images are so blocky, terrible (over compressed), and otherwise 
POC.  ( Pieces of !@#$).

Thanks Apple.......  Does it really take that much effort for you to LEAVE OUR SETTINGS ALONE when you update iOS??????

Frank Filippone
BMWRed735i at Gmail.com

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