[Leica] Medium Format Rolleiflex vs Super Ikonta III

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Fri Sep 2 13:58:04 PDT 2022

You could also try a Voigtlander Perkeo II preferably with the Color 
Skopar len and Syncro Compur shutter. It fits in your pocket and yet 
shoots 6x6 format. You can take multiple images quickly and easily, 
provided they're at similar anticipated light levels. Here's a pic of me 
with it in MOMA - 
https://www.flickr.com/photos/50543475@N00/2656745178/in/photostream/ -  
and an image I took with it - 
It, along with all my other film cameras, currently lies inactive 
awaiting the reawakened pulse of sprocketed celluloid and bursts of 
light through the dormant shutter curtains. Sadly, they might be waiting 
another year yet.

My putative darkroom - a shed attached to my garage - needs a new roof 
as the old one is leaking and causing efflorescence in the blockwork, so 
can't be immediately used. However, due the CoVid hiatus and the 
subsequent renovation/solar panel rush, there are long delays waiting 
for any sort of committed attention from builders, and, during all this, 
I am withering away into decrepitude while my enlarger gently wilts. I 
can't use any other room in the house as they are all filled with my 
children's accoutrements, e.g. grandchild, furniture, a Chomolungma of 
toys, etc., while they wait for their own house renovations to be completed.

That said, I am not selling my Voigtlanders or any of my film cameras.
There's a Perkeo II on eBay right now.

Close to kidnapping a builder.

On 02/09/2022 06:23, Alan Magayne-Roshak via LUG wrote:
>   On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 Lluis Ripoll <lluisripollphotography at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Don,
>> Thank you very much for your kind words!
>> It is true, the preparation on a camera like the Rolleiflex is slower than
> with an M, that is why I bought the Super Ikonta which is a rangefinder
> camera >faster to use, but it does not have the quality of the Rolleiflex,
> in medium format 6x6 there is not much choice of rangefinder cameras, only
> Mamiya, >Plaubel , Fuji that I remember, but these are quite more expensive
> cameras.
>> Regarding the images, I prefer the quality of the Rolleiflex, I find the
> Ikonta ones very soft.
>> Thank you very much again!
>> Lluis
> =====================================================================================================================
> Lluis, I like the Rollei shots best too.  One 6x6 RF not mentioned is one I
> have - an Ansco Super Speedex (same as the Agfa Super Isolette).  The 75mm
> f/3.5 Solinar is very sharp.  See <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/Miscellaneous/19890211_MR_Award_OreBoats_19.jpg.html
> Another of my favorites (except in the 6x9 format that I like more) is the
> Voigtlander Bessa II.  This one focuses even faster than the Speedex.
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/Miscellaneous/19910216_MR_SheridanMan_6.jpg.html
> (I do love my Rollei with 75mm Planar 3.5 even if it's square.)  Here's all
> three:
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/Gear/19911122_MR_Matanle_Cameras.jpg.html

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