[Leica] IMG: two more dishes

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Sun Jan 31 07:49:56 PST 2021

Hi Nathan,

You really triggered memories this morning!  I was introduced to Shrimp 
Creole at Madison Seafoods in Memphis in the 1940s.  I introduced my 
bride to the dish on our brief honeymoon, and it became our favorite 
dish.  We found it in Florida and along the Gulf Coast, and she 
occasionally made it at home from a recipe she found.  It was always a 
special occasion.  I no longer find it in any of the local restaurants, 
and miss it.

Thanks for waking up my taste buds.

I assume you removed the bay leaves before serving.  šŸ˜‰

On 1/31/21 9:25 AM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> I have added a couple of plates to my ā€œCooking in Confinementā€ gallery, both from the past couple of weeks.
> Creole shrimp:
> https://www.greatpix.eu/All/Cooking-in-confinement/i-VDkgQLQ/A
> Black paella:
> https://www.greatpix.eu/All/Cooking-in-confinement/i-8QTRwpg/A
> The Creole shrimp recipe, like many of the others, can be found on my Musings page:
> https://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/cooking-in-confinement/
> Bon appƩtit!
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
> Alicante, Spain
> http://www.frozenlight.eu <http://www.frozenlight.eu/>
> http:// <http://www.greatpix.eu/>www.greatpix.eu
> PICTURE OF THE WEEK: http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws <http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws>Blog: http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/ <http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/>
> Cycling: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/belgiangator <http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/belgiangator>
> "Iā€™m not arguing, Iā€™m just explaining why Iā€™m right"
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Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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