[Leica] Garret Island House C. 1750-60

John McMaster john at mcmaster.co.uk
Wed Jan 13 08:53:31 PST 2021

A local lighthouse (Noss Head) used whale oil to light up until the mid 1970s, no electricity but later parafin.  Now replaced and more conventional, the original is in Wick Heritage Museum and one of the volunteers there worked on it at the end of the whale oil days...


On 13/01/2021, 16:38, "LUG on behalf of Frank Filippone via LUG" <lug-bounces+john=mcmaster.co.uk at leica-users.org on behalf of lug at leica-users.org> wrote:

    We visited a memorable historical House .  The house had a "foundation" 
    made from whale bone vertebrae.  It was at least 150 years old and was 
    still in great shape.

    as an aside, the once in a lifetime remembrance from that house was a 
    small jar, which you were allowed to open to smell REAL whale oil.


    Frank Filippone
    BMWRed735i at Gmail.com

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