[Leica] Garret Island House C. 1750-60

Frank Filippone bmwred735i at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 08:38:17 PST 2021

We visited a memorable historical House .  The house had a "foundation" 
made from whale bone vertebrae.  It was at least 150 years old and was 
still in great shape.

as an aside, the once in a lifetime remembrance from that house was a 
small jar, which you were allowed to open to smell REAL whale oil.


>> On Jan 13, 2021, at 10:42 AM, Philippe via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
>> I notice that concrete building blocks serve as pillars, and I wouldn’t think their « invention » is as old as the house itself. The bricks though, attest of much older established.
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Frank Filippone
BMWRed735i at Gmail.com

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