[Leica] Dr Ted

Howard Ritter hlritter at bex.net
Sun Apr 12 09:49:44 PDT 2020

I’m very saddened to see the inevitable come to pass. Cynthia and I had the memorable experience of having dinner with Ted and a group of LUGgers at a restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf in SF in December 2008, coincidentally the very same weekend that we were traveling there from Ohio for a professional meeting. Brian had convened the dinner, IIRC, on the occasion of Ted’s visit. I can’t remember for sure, but I think Geoff’s wife is in the same line of work as I was, and they might have been there for the same professional meeting.

Here’s an album of a few shots of the good Dr. giving a “Ted Talk", M8 in hand, with some others gathered round. You know who you are! M8 + 35 Summicron.

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/hlritter/Ted+Gallery/ <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/hlritter/Ted+Gallery/>

Godspeed, Dr Ted. You’ve left a giant’s footprints on all of us.


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