[Leica] IMG: Louise on the iMac

Lluis Ripoll lluisripollphotography at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 17:29:12 PST 2019


Congrats, the iMac is good tool, your picture looks really great on my iMac too, what I appreciate more is the Time Machine. The iMac monitors are very brilliant, I adjust it at less than 50%, about 40%. It is useful also that with the finder you can search a picture by the title you put insifde (not necessary the file name), you have also a system of keywords very performant. My only advice is be careful before upgrade to the Catalina OS, it works at 64 bit and if you have applications running at 32 bits they will not run, I’m subscribed on a newsletter (in Spanish) “Yo soy de Mac” = “I’m from Mac”) and sometimes you find useful advices. About sharpness I think your Mac will give you an excellent rendition.


> El 11 des 2019, a les 23:36, Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net> va escriure:
> During a period of snow and cold weather, my son swapped me over from Windows 7 to a 21.5 inch iMac.  Hence, no new images, but an itch to see if my work flow still works for me.
> Here is a new crop from a previous image of Louise, my cat neighbor, done with new software on the new computer.  I realize the image is quite large, but some like it that way.  My main concern is brightness and sharpness.
> Any critiques on this posted image?
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/PB040652-mac.jpg.html
> Thanks.
> Jim Nichols
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