[Leica] New Leica!

Jeff Moore jbmmllug at jbm.org
Tue Apr 2 08:21:28 PDT 2019

On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 11:05 AM Brian Reid <reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us> wrote:
> For those of us with bad eyes, digital zoom does offer one advantage: it
> lets me get a closer look at what the camera is pointing at. What I wish
> it did is to let me zoom the viewfinder but still capture the entire
> frame. But it doesn't, on any camera I've ever seen.

You must not mean what I'm reading your words to mean.  Because every
decent electronic-viewfinder camera I've used lets you magnify the
image to do manual focusing, and that operation does not change what
field of view the sensor captures when you push the take-a-picture

The Leica SL, for example – push in on the little joystick thing on
the back, and it magnifies for manual focus.  The joystick thing lets
you move the magnified area around in the frame.  The only recurring
failure in the SL's user interface (and maybe I just don't know how to
get this to work – Tina, as a real SL user, not an occasional renter
like me, is there a way to get the camera to do the right thing?) is
that after you take a picture, the position of the magnified bit keeps
resetting to the center of the frame, instead of staying where you
carefully placed it to magnify the important part of the current
composition on which you'd like to focus.

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