[Leica] IMG: Che O'Guevara - Kilkee

Nathan Wajsman photo at frozenlight.eu
Wed Oct 11 22:23:59 PDT 2017

Interesting story. It definitely enhanced Che’s reputation to be killed at a young age.


Nathan Wajsman
Alicante, Spain
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> On 08 Oct 2017, at 23:52, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:
> With the fiftieth anniversary of the feted, and fated, revolutionary hero (and possible mass murderer) Che Guevara being celebrated (or reviled) in Cuba and elsewhere, I was surprised to see that he had stayed in Kilkee when his Aeroflot Tupolev had been grounded in Shannon Airport en route to Moscow for his revolutionary lessons in the early 60s.
> Che Guevara stayed here in Kilkee, Co. Clare.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/Kilkee/Kilkee+2017+Che+Wall.jpg.html
> Fuji X100S. See LARGE
> Interestingly enough, an acquaintance of mine Jim Fitzpatrick did a design featuring a black and white image of Che on a red background which wound up emblazoned on many a teenager's t-shirt in the late 60s and 70s. The design was based on Korda's iconic photograph.
> The Irish Post Office has just issued a stamp to commemorate it. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/consumer/famous-che-guevara-image-features-on-new-an-post-stamp-1.3248276
> Jim - a fan of the revolution - was working in a summer job behind a bar in Kilkee when Che and his minders came in. He recognised the stranger as Che, and they had a chat as you do here in Ireland. After the death of Che in Bolivia, Jim did the design to remember him. Ironically, Che had Irish antecedents by the name of Lynch so he was sort of returning home.
> Douglas
> who is a running dog of capitalism himself
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