[Leica] B&W developers
Christopher Crawford
chris at chriscrawfordphoto.com
Wed Jun 14 13:41:38 PDT 2017
You can¹t really say ³Pyro² is ³Good² or ³Bad² because there are a bunch
of pyro-based developers out there. I use PMK and with most of the films I
have used it with, the tonality is gorgeous. Ilford FP4 and HP5 are my
favorites, but I have gotten great results with Tmax 100, Tmax 400, and
Fuji Acros.
There are modern Pyro developers that have been designed for modern films,
like PMK and Pyrocat. Older ones don¹t work well with modern films, and
that may be why you don¹t think highly of Pyro.
I¹m not doing stand developing. PMK won¹t work for that, it needs frequent
agitation or it gives streaks and uneven developing.
Here¹s some examples:
FP4 in PMK:
HP5 in PMK:
Pan-F in PMK:
Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana
http://www.chriscrawfordphoto.com My portfolio
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On 6/14/17, 2:32 PM, "LUG on behalf of lluisripollphotography"
<lug-bounces+chris=chriscrawfordphoto.com at leica-users.org on behalf of
lluisripollphotography at gmail.com> wrote:
>Your comment is very interesting for me, I¹ve never developed with Pyro
>for myself but I¹ve worked with negatives developed in Pyro, grain and
>fine structures are very fine but I think that the tonality gradation is
>poor, it offers a great and nice contrast from Black to White but a
>certain lack of gradation. I know some ones has employed it successful
>with semi-stand development and a long time with very slow agitation. I
>would appreciate very much your experience and comments about, thank you!
>> El 14 juny 2017, a les 16:00, George Lottermoser
>><george.imagist at icloud.com> va escriure:
>>> On Jun 14, 2017, at 5:05 AM, Gerry Walden <gwpics at me.com> wrote:
>>> I don¹t want to start and wars here, and I know this is a minefield in
>>>which I will get a thousand and one answers, but is there any consensus
>>>of opinion these days on a one-shot b&w developer?
>>> Insanely I am thinking of doing my own processing of film again.
>> If you¹ve never played with PyroŠ you owe it to yourself to do so.
>> A true difference in "edge."
>> fond regards,
>> George
>> http://www.imagist.com/blog
>> http://www.imagist.com
>> http://www.linkedin.com/imagist
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