[Leica] Leica M9 CCD problem

Scott Gregory scottgregory at mac.com
Sat Aug 26 15:19:17 PDT 2017

I have to say my service turn around with my M9 was excellent. It took several weeks of phone calls to get the date to send last fall, which was a bit onerous, but once I got the date they paid to have my camera sent from Canada to New Jersey and it turned around and I had it back postage paid as well within 6 weeks. I was not expecting that but was pleasantly surprised. 
I cannot complain about my experience. 
Previously the second year I had the camera, the sensor had to be pixel mapped. I sent it again to New Jersey postage paid by Leica, they remapped the sensor and I had it back within 3 weeks that time. 
One thing I did each time was to call and get the name of the person making the decisions in the repair area and deal with them. 

> On Aug 26, 2017, at 6:08 PM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net> wrote:
> Chris.... Did you actually get an expected repair date?
> I did not.
> Tina gets special service because she is a pro.... the rest of us get the
> normal lousy service.....  or so I see it.....
> My M9 took 2 weeks to get it shipped after I was told the repair was done.
> That was in addition to a 9 week repair cycle.....  In addition to my
> vacation of 6 weeks... that was a total of 4+ months after I recognized the
> problem.
> Sure hope that record will not be broken by the Monochrom 
> Frank Filippone
> Red735i at verizon.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+red735i=verizon.net at leica-users.org] On Behalf
> Of chris williams
> Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2017 12:15 PM
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] Leica M9 CCD problem
> Well this techie bit needs the digitalis for work. The State Dept or
> Congress wants images "now" or I don't get paid. 20 week wait on an M9
> sensor sucks period. 
> Chris Williams
> www.zoeicaimages.net
> 504-231-6261
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