[Leica] camera/bag strap question
Ted Grant
tedgrant at shaw.ca
Fri Aug 4 11:14:45 PDT 2017
Hi ken,
I agree with all the crew here. In particular Lluis. After all he lives there and would be far more aware of the pick-pocket thieveries?
During my visit there a few years ago I never had any thoughts nor concerns about gear thievery. If you are going to be taking your cameras "off your body?" Don't put them or it on the seat or table sitting out in the open. Cameras hanging around my neck? When I sit down they come off and are hung on my knees . Lens into leg! This protects the lens and camera.
As it's hard to stand and not be aware they are hanging on your legs.
Look, people who go on a holiday and don't use common sense about where they put their stuff down out in the open without any thought? Deserve to get ripped off. :-( A touch of brain power and where you are sitting outside or in a darkened bar etc? And You put your camera out in the open? NO! NO!
Hang it on your leg above the knee, lens into leg!
Do that! And sit there enjoying cooling drink!
Relax as I've done it thousands of times all over the world and never been robbed?
Take care and enjoy your holiday in Barcelona! As it's a most magical fun loving city on the Planet!
Even better so, mine and everybody elses friend. :-)
Lluis lives there and enjoy's meeting the crew!
Dr. Ted Grant O.C.
without the neck strap tucked away making it difficult
-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf Of Lluis Ripoll
Sent: August-04-17 9:38 AM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: Re: [Leica] camera/bag strap question
I life in Barcelona, I’m shooting on the streets since more than 30 years ago, I’ve never had an issue. But also I act carefully, I never leave my camera on a table of a Bar, or on the floor without be attached to me, normally I carry my bag crosed and I always try to look around me. Be careful in the same manner you’ll be in NYC or any other big city.
> El 4 ag 2017, a les 16:43, Gerry Walden <gerry.walden at icloud.com> va escriure:
> I must agree with Gene. I have always felt totally safe in Barcelona, although I think lluis knows different on rare occasions. I feel it is usually a matter of common sense (he said clutching wood for good luck!)
> Gerry
>> On 4 Aug 2017, at 15:27, Gene Duprey <geneduprey2015 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Never had any problems in Barcelona or any other place in Europe. Just
>> know where you are and who is around you , just like in any city in the U.S.
>> Gene
>> On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 12:34 AM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Well, my Wife would say that if you leave your handbag ( or camera bag) on
>>> the seat next to you, in a restaurant ( in San Sebastian, to be precise) a
>>> thief will walk off with it, even If you do have the wire in the strap.
>>> Frank Filippone
>>> Red735i at verizon.net
>>> Asking the wisdom of the LUG: We are headed to Barcelona and other places
>>> in
>>> Spain later this year, and I have been reading up on the thieves,
>>> pickpockets etc. I see there are several makers of camera and bag straps
>>> with cut-resistant metal lining or cable, and was wondering if anyone has a
>>> particular recommendation. I would like for the camera strap to be
>>> flexible
>>> but that might not be in the cards. Thanks as always.
>>> Ken
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