[Leica] Nathan's PAD 16/7/2016: a proper bookshop

Ted Grant tedgrant at shaw.ca
Mon Jul 18 16:28:06 PDT 2016

Now that's a super browsing book store.  :-) 
You didn't happen to find any of mine in there did you?  :-)
1/ MEN of the SADDLE: working cowboys of Canada:
2/ REAL PHOTOGRAPHERS SHOOT BLACK &                     WHITE... sometimes colour.
3/ WOMEN in MEDICINE: a Celebration of their work.
4/ DOCTOR'S WORK: The Legacy of Sir William Osler.
5/ THIS IS OUR WORK: The Legacy of Sir William Osler
6/ Joe Clark: the emerging Leader.

No? I didn't think so. :-)
Oh well there is a USED book store in Vancouver  BC. CANADA that I picked up two new copies of "DOCTOR'S WORK" for $50.00 per copy and later that afternoon sold them for $100.oo a copy! Not a bad deal when the buyers were both doctors. Oh yeah they are subjects in the book in the OR doing a "cutting job!"  :-)
The two medical books were excellent sellers in North America and quite a number of the LUG crew purchased copies some years ago.
I rummage used book stores wherever I find them looking for any of my books or others. Most certainly LEICA and old photography books. My own home library has over 300 photography related copies from ancient to modern day.
We never stop learning no matter whomever you are!
Dr. Ted Grant OC

-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf Of Nathan Wajsman
Sent: July-18-16 1:40 PM
To: Leica Users Group; Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: [Leica] Nathan's PAD 16/7/2016: a proper bookshop

On Saturday afternoon I was walking around the shopping district in downtown Le Mans, and I happened on a second-hand bookshop. I first took some pictures from the outside, and then the owner came out and politely scolded me for not asking. I apologised, and the result was that he told me to come inside and that I could photograph to my heart’s content. So I did:


And of course I did not walk away empty-handed; I bought a collection of short stories by Doris Lessing, a Kurt Vonnegut novel and a couple of other books. It is nice when you drive rather than fly :-)


Nathan Wajsman
Alicante, Spain
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PICTURE OF THE WEEK: http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws <http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws>Blog: http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/ <http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/>
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