[Leica] Save up your pennies... Quickly

red735i at verizon.net red735i at verizon.net
Wed Sep 23 19:51:09 PDT 2015

The issue to me is whether the new camera will handle the obtuse angle issues of the WA M lenses. The EVF Is required for me.

I really do not care about AF nor weather sealing.
If it will use R lenses AND provide auto diaphragm operation, I'm in.

Assuming it is priced such that I can keep all appendages.
Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

On 09/23/15, Doug Herr wrote:

This is expected to be the introduction of the Leica SL, a 24mm x 36mm interchangeable-lens mirrorless system camera.

The rumor mill says:

SLR shape, slightly bigger than M or Q
viewfinder similar to Leica Q viewfinder
sensor similar to Leica Q sensor
adapters for M and R lenses

my speculation:

weather resistance similar to Leica S
lens mount derived from the Leica T

If the adapter for R lenses is any more than a dumb tube I'm in. Pennies being saved... and you'll hear more from me once Brian's friday declaration is posted.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

-----Original Message-----
>From: red735i at verizon.net
>Sent: Sep 23, 2015 10:20 AM
>To: Lug at leica-users.org
>Subject: [Leica] Save up your pennies... Quickly
>Leica “Das Wesentliche” event on October 20th
>By LR ADMIN | Published: SEPTEMBER 23, 2015
>A new Leica "Das Wesentliche" event will take place on October 20th, 2015 in Leitz Park (Wetzlar). Here is the text of the invitation (this event is not opened to the public):
>For more than 100 years, our thoughts and actions, and our passion, have been dedicated to only one thing - creating the perfect picture. With products that are always focused on "Das Wesentliche", the essentials, we provide photographers around the world with the ideal tools for capturing the decisive moment and for bringing their own vision to life. This tradition is what drives us to achieve and gives us the power to reinvent ourselves time and again. The outcome is a portfolio of cameras and lenses that redefine the status quo as we know it and have one thing in common, despite a century of progress: a focus on “Das Wesentliche” - in other words, the picture.
>We cordially invite you to a celebration of photography in the the spirit of "Das Wesentliche". From October 20, 6:30 p.m. on until October 21, approximately 1:00 p.m, everything in the Leitz Park in Wetzlar will revolve around the fascinating nature of pictures and the exclusive presentation of a new milestone in the Leica Camera product range. Be one of the first to experience the next chapter in the history of professional photography, a historic moment that begins right here and now and will shape the future. Enjoy a delightful atmosphere and a special photographic program with friends of Leica, photographers, artists, media, and prominent and international guests - in other words, with all those who, just like you, breathe life into the fascination that is Leica.
>Read more on LeicaRumors.com: http://leicarumors.com/2015/09/23/leica-das-wesentliche-event-on-october-20th.aspx/#ixzz3maDDpJ1o
>Leica Users Group.
>See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

Leica Users Group.
See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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