[Leica] Save up your pennies... Quickly

red735i at verizon.net red735i at verizon.net
Wed Sep 23 19:30:49 PDT 2015

 Fuji shows how small a  really good mirrorless could be made, ans Sony shows how a FF camera can be light and made inexpensively and compactly (A7 had something like 39 total screws in it). 
Mirrorless cameras are complex, but they are electronically complex. (Difference between a Jacquard loom and a i7 processor). Given the right design team, and obviously Sony has one, the mirrorless camera is both fundamentally more producible, and requires less QC.  Neither are Leica strengrhs

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

On 09/23/15, Doug Herr wrote:

Adam Bridge wrote:

 it would be difficult to envision a camera smaller than the M that fits the 
descriptions floating around the internets. There?s only so much room for 
things like batteries, viewfinder, cards, all the stuff that has to be 
jammed into the camera to make it useable. 

Mirrorless cameras are complex critters.

I?m probably wrong but I?m thinking the form-factor might look more like a 
smaller R10 but skinnier.

A photo on Andreas Kaufmann's Facebook page with a camera in the background provides a few hints:


SLR form, looks smaller than S, and he declined to discuss it :)

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

Leica Users Group.
See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

On 09/23/15, Doug Herr wrote:

Adam Bridge wrote:

 it would be difficult to envision a camera smaller than the M that fits the 
descriptions floating around the internets. There?s only so much room for 
things like batteries, viewfinder, cards, all the stuff that has to be 
jammed into the camera to make it useable. 

Mirrorless cameras are complex critters.

I?m probably wrong but I?m thinking the form-factor might look more like a 
smaller R10 but skinnier.

A photo on Andreas Kaufmann's Facebook page with a camera in the background provides a few hints:


SLR form, looks smaller than S, and he declined to discuss it :)

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

Leica Users Group.
See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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