[Leica] Voightlander 1.5 or zeiss 2.0?

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Wed Sep 16 14:46:22 PDT 2015

It sure looks like they are close in performance and price.  It would 
depend on whether you like a lug-like grip on the focusing ring, or 
smaller grooves.

There is one "not bad" review on the B&H site that you might like to read.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 9/16/2015 4:23 PM, Kyle Cassidy On The LUG wrote:
> So I can get a voightlander 50 1.5 in m mount or the zeiss 50mm 2.0. Same price. Which would you go with? I'm leaning toward the voightlander for the extra stop because the m9 is useless above 400.....
> Thoughts?
> Sent from my iPhone plz excuse the typoss keyb0ard is reaLly small.
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