[Leica] "the Decisive Moment" is back in print... for now

Richard Man richard at richardmanphoto.com
Fri Oct 30 21:46:53 PDT 2015

I have a beat up copy of the original book. I'd say the quality is about
90%. Of course, even the original book does not compare to the books
published since 2000 in terms of print quality. The book publishing just
have gotten much better since then.

Nevertheless, an excellent addition to a collection.

What I found it interesting is that when "we were growing up", Henri
Cartier Bresson stood like a giant, but nowadays, a lot of new
photographers don't even know him.... So much to learn from this great

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Jay Burleson <leica at jayburleson.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately, this edition is done from scans of the original book, not
> scans from prints.
> It shows it.
> The amazing compositions are there, but the tones and sharpness is, shall
> we say, lacking.
> I paid $80.00 US for my copy of this new printing, and I wish I'd bought a
> different photographers book.
> That said, since I have, I won't sell it.
> Jay
> On 10/30/2015 7:43 PM, Richard Man wrote:
>> Steidl re-published the classic this Jan and I had in in my AMZN pre-order
>> pile, but they don't let you know when an item finally becomes available
>> so
>> it was all gone by the time I realized it was available.
>> They have finally have the 2nd printing. You can get it directly from
>> Steidl.de for 98 Euros, shipping included even to US, and I got mine
>> within
>> 4 days!!!
>> A few sellers on AMZN are selling it also. I'd recommend act quickly. Per
>> usual, no idea how big a print run Steild did.
>> O have a first printing FRENCH edition for sale if anyone is interested.
>> $150+ shipping.
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