[Leica] Lightroom Problems

Adam Bridge abridge at mac.com
Thu May 7 17:11:48 PDT 2015

This is very troubling, Gerry.

I’ve played a bit this afternoon to see if I could duplicate your results. Running Lightroom 2015 CC on MacOS Yosemite 10.10.3 I could not reproduce this. 

I think you should submit a bug report to Adobe.

For my own peace of mind: what is your system configuration and when did you do the renaming operation? I’m assuming you used Lightroom to do the rename. I’d certainly have expected the side-car files to be renamed at the same time.


> On 2015 May 6, at 6:55 AM, Gerry Walden <gerry.walden at icloud.com> wrote:
> My numbering system for images was to start with a year number followed by W for Walden, and this was done in-camera so I would end up with a number such as 14W3257, but I decided this would date an image too clearly to viewers so I decided to replace the initial number with letters based on the alphabet, and I have done this through Lightroom.  This means the example above would become ADW-3257 instead. What has happened is that whilst the image file has been renumbered the associated .xmp file has not been resulting in the loss of all captioning for the renumbered files. The disassociated .xmp files are appearing in LR in what I can best describe as blank slides (i.e. no image) and showing the original file number. These are marked ‘!’ as missing.
> It is relatively easy to re-associate them on a one-to-one basis but this is very tedious, and despite putting questions on the Adobe forums and Luminous Landscape nobody has so far come up with an answer.
> I am posting this here partly to warn others that this could happen, and secondly to see if anybody can suggest a viable solution. I am now converting images I know to be OK to .dng files in the hope that it will not happen again.

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