[Leica] Critiques

Sonny Carter sonc.hegr at gmail.com
Mon May 4 03:27:47 PDT 2015

Phillippe wrote:

Same with BRD for bird, not everyone likes bird photos.

The problem with that is that if it is a good "bird picture," it is a good
"picture picture."​
When I photograph a flower, or a cat, it is not usually about the flower or
cat, it is about my capture of that image.

If I wanted to make Pi or Sasha famous, I would just load the picture on
Tumblr, where it gets ​thousands of views.

I make hundreds of photographs that never get shown; if I post, then for
some reason, I've decided it is a photograph worth showing.

Where the hundreds of posts come in here, (outside the sometimes divergent
threads) is the way that we politely do this:

Lugger 1:   Here's my photograph:   blahblahblah.htm

Lugger 2:  Hey, blahblahblah.htm is a nice shot!

Lugger 1: Thanks so much for looking at blahblahblah.htm

Lugger 2:  No problem, thanks for posting, blahblahblah.htm was great!

Lugger 3:  Hey, nice shot, but have you tried it in BW?

Lugger 1: Thanks so much for looking, yes, look: blahblahblah-BW.htm
and I also did it in sepia:  blahblahblah-sepia.htm

Lugger 3:  No problem, thanks for posting, I like the color best after all,
but blahblahblah-BW.htm was great!

So, there's really no critique, no help, just an attaboy that equivalent to
a FB like.

My theory?  That's the culture of the LUG, and it will never change.


Natchitoches, Louisiana
Oldest Permanent Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase


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