[Leica] Eloise

Jay Burleson leica at jayburleson.com
Tue Mar 17 15:05:57 PDT 2015

Congratulations and best wishes to the new parents!


On 3/17/2015 7:44 AM, H&ECummer wrote:
> Hello Luggers,
> Third grandchild and second granddaughter Eloise Esther Cummer Babbitt
> arrived this morning (March 17) at 3:05 am. Weighing 7.2 pounds and with a
> full head of hair she has already taken charge of two generations of adults.
> She was named after her Dad’s Grandmother, Eloise Ricciardelli, who was the Registrar
> of New York's MOMA in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Great Grandma's story is here:
> <https://www.moma.org/momaorg/shared/pdfs/docs/learn/archives/transcript_ricciardelli.pdf>
> And here is a picture of her great granddaughter with proud grandparents:
> <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/Eloise/EloiseEandH.jpg.html>
> I have opened Eloise's own folder as I expect there will be many more pictures of Elly
> over the years joining those of Miss O and Hank the Tank.
> Grandpa Howard

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