[Leica] Eloise

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Tue Mar 17 15:01:50 PDT 2015

She's a little dote.

Well done Howard, going on my children's grandparents, I know you'll claim 
the credit for everything good about the baby :-)

I also had a read about your other Elois. Interesting piece. Ironically, I 
went for a walk along Dun Laoghaire pier this afternoon with my brother and 
his wife Annette and they were talking about their trip to NY last week. 
Annette mentioned they had gone to MOMA and after a couple of hours of 
general wandering had asked an attendant where she could see Ansel Adams 
prints. The attendant apparently said something on the lines of  "We have 75 
exhibitions here, so I wouldn't know!" That comment doesn't gel with the 
ethos and committment that your Eloise expounded in her interview...

Times change.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "H&ECummer" <cummer at netvigator.com>
To: <lug at leica-users.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 2:44 PM
Subject: [Leica] Eloise

Hello Luggers,

Third grandchild and second granddaughter Eloise Esther Cummer Babbitt
arrived this morning (March 17) at 3:05 am. Weighing 7.2 pounds and with a
full head of hair she has already taken charge of two generations of adults.

She was named after her Dad’s Grandmother, Eloise Ricciardelli, who was the 
of New York's MOMA in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Great Grandma's story is here:


And here is a picture of her great granddaughter with proud grandparents:


I have opened Eloise's own folder as I expect there will be many more 
pictures of Elly
over the years joining those of Miss O and Hank the Tank.

Grandpa Howard

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