[Leica] Early Winter Trees Reflected on White's Pond

Aram Langhans leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 5 19:08:09 PST 2015

I find it quit appealing.  A visual puzzle to figure out and explore.  Abstract enough to catch your interest and not too abstract to make you not explore.  I wish you had posted a large image version.  


Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired  Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer
“The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself would ever have dared dream.”   James D. Watson

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack McLain [mailto:jackmclain at mac.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 3:57 PM
To: LUG posting
Subject: [Leica] Early Winter Trees Reflected on White's Pond

I’m not sure if this image works or not.  I was looking for a “Monet-like” feeling. Abstract at first glance and then making sense as waterscape with early winter foliage reflections from unseen trees on the shore over the lily pads.  I’ve tried to crop out some elements from the bigger frame but I really dont like doing that as I originally composed through the viewfinder what we see here.

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/jmclainaz/LUGgallery1/Whites+Pond+No_2+Reflections-.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/jmclainaz/LUGgallery1/Whites+Pond+No_2+Reflections-.jpg.html>

Is the image too busy? Too confusing?


Jack McLain

in Tucson, AZ

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