[Leica] Monochrom metadata and uncoded lenses

Ted Grant tedgrant at shaw.ca
Fri Feb 13 17:10:03 PST 2015

George Lottermoser OFFERED:
Subject: Re: [Leica] Monochrom metadata and uncoded lenses

On Feb 13, 2015, at 11:25 AM, Ted Grant wrote:

> WHY? Please give me a simple professional photojournalist's // Sport
> Photographers' need to have this nonsense recorded?

George responded:
any number of reasons come to mind;
none of any necessity to shoot now over.

Though looking at an image of "the swimmer"
wherein his head is perfectly sharp
while his hands are giving a gorgeous sense of motion;
I may wish to take note of that shutter speed
as the magic one for this angle and sport
for this effect.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Hi George 
Naw you don't make notes because you remember them all. Besides each
swimmer has their "speed frame" and what works for one? Isn't worth the time
to write a note for the next! Or you have a 100 swimmers to go through as
the preliminaries are run through! One only needs a couple, then instinct
takes over and you know how much "blurred image"" you want? CLICK! :-) See
it's all KISS! :-)

Besides the "blur of the hands and sharp head occur because the hands are
going in a different direction and speed to the head. So the blur factor
sometimes can be the undoing of what potentially was a neat clean photo.

>>>> "Likewise a whole slew of other images lack any and all magic.
all frozen like stone. I may also wish to take note of what didn't work at

Well part of the "Frozen like stone" is the clients call who's paying you
$600.oo a day or more depending whom? Because they want "Frozen Stone
images" so people can see the athlete they are sponsoring! Or up to big
poster size etc.

The blurred stuff is the easiest simply because the swimmer, runner, race
cars etc show the action so one automatically sets a slow shutter speed and
pans the camera in the same direction as the moving body figure! !
"BEAUTY!!!!!!!" bLURRRRRRRR! ;-) 

>>>>You just did all this shit subconsciously dear Ted.<<<

Well given after shooting Summer & Winter Olympics a dozen or more times,
CANADA GAMES === WINTER & SUMMER a similar number of times! Then throw in
the Pan-American games another number. Along with shooting the NHL hockey
games, CFL & NFL football games for darn near 40?50 years? Yes ones' mind
automatically sets your fingers to adjust cameras without thinking about it!

So yes, yer right it becomes subconscious action without thought! But the
most important part? You never think about these things as there isn't time
to make notes. It's called? "WE LEARN BY DOING!" THE MORE YOU SHOOT? THE

George Lottermoser 


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