[Leica] No Photo Editors

Doug Herr wildlightphoto at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 24 08:04:09 PST 2015

Why?  You're not seriously asking this question, are you?  No it's not "worse" than Rupert Murdoch's control of FoxNews, but Nevada can go either way in the next Presidential election.  Here are a couple of examples of Adelson's influence (from the L. A. Times story):

"Three of the newspaper's reporters were ordered to spend two weeks monitoring Clark County judges, particularly District Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez. They were to observe “whether [the judges are] prepared or not, if they favor one lawyer over another, whether they're over- or under-worked — even whether they show up for work on time, or not,” the newspaper reported....  Gonzalez had clashed with Adelson when he took the witness stand in a wrongful-termination suit. When Adelson refused to answer a question, Gonzalez admonished him: “Sir, you don't get to argue with me. You understand that?” the Review-Journal reported."

"Adelson has sued reporters personally, including one well-known case against Review-Journal columnist John L. Smith, who was driven into bankruptcy while fighting a libel lawsuit from Adelson that was eventually dismissed."

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jayanand Govindaraj <jayanand at gmail.com>
>Sent: Dec 24, 2015 7:45 AM
>To: Leica Users Group <lug at leica-users.org>
>Subject: Re: [Leica] No Photo Editors
>Why? He can hardly be worse than a Conrad Black or a Robert Maxwell or
>a Rupert Murdoch - the list is endless of newspaper/media owners of
>doubtful provenance, and totally unbalanced views, past and present.
>On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Doug Herr <wildlightphoto at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Here's another disturbing turn of events, the Las Vegas Review-Journal has been purchased by casino owner Sheldon Adelson:
>> http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-adelson-vegas-newspaper-20151223-story.html
>> Doug Herr
>> Birdman of Sacramento
>> http://www.wildlightphoto.com
>> http://doug-herr.fineartamerica.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>>>From: Tina Manley <images at comporium.net>
>>>Sent: Dec 24, 2015 7:24 AM
>>>To: lug <lug at leica-users.org>
>>>Subject: [Leica] No Photo Editors
>>>Newspapers have gotten rid of photo editors and the public is suffering:
>>>Tina Manley
>>>Leica Users Group.
>>>See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information
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