[Leica] Go ahead, buy that Leica

Jayanand Govindaraj jayanand at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 18:50:43 PST 2015

I would agree with you with one major financial caveat (I am also a finance professional of over  40 years experience, by the way) - if you can afford it without depriving your family of essentials, without taking a hit on basic savings,  and most importantly, not on borrowed money. If you have any type of short term loan outstanding, pay it off first, it is a much, much better long term deal. Use cheaper tools till you can genuinely afford Leica equipment it without financial strain.  

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> On 22-Dec-2015, at 06:17, Peter Klein <pklein at threshinc.com> wrote:
> Some interesting advice from the NY Times' "Sketch Guy" and financial columnist, Carl Richards.
> <http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/22/your-money/the-financial-benefits-of-buying-what-you-love.html?_r=0>
> Now, of course, you have to actually have the money to spend it (or at least a reasonable expectation of paying off  the credit). But it does make sense to buy something expensive that will last longer than a cheap equivalent, and will bring you pleasure, happiness or function that the inexpensive thing won't.  IMHO, most Leica lenses have always fallen into that category. Leica film bodies, definitely.
> With Leica digital bodies, it's more complicated. For me, being able to use my Leica lenses digitally, with RF focusing and simple, discrete controls, is very important.  From that standpoint, even with all the "issues," I still think Leica digital M bodies are worth having.  There's also the "feel" of one's tools, which can be very important.  And it is possible to buy used from someone who gets their happiness from having the latest.
> If one is just interested in ultimate image quality, there may be equal or even slightly better choices. If feature lists, the very latest technology, or ultimate cost-to-function ratio are vital, look elsewhere.
> --Peter
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