[Leica] IMGS: Blacksburg Oyster Roast
Tina Manley
images at comporium.net
Sun Dec 20 17:58:17 PST 2015
I totally agree with you, Douglas! The only oysters worth eating are raw
and straight from the sea. These were steamed, overcooked in a galvanized
garbage can, but they were free!! I ate 3. If they had been raw, on the
half-shell, straight from the sea, I would have eaten several dozen! In
fact, my kids are taking me to an oyster bar for my birthday. I expect to
break the record of oysters eaten!
On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 7:33 PM, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:
> More good stuff, Tina, it certainly gives a flavour of the festivities,
> even if I can't taste the oysters.
> Mind you, knowing Irish oysters, I think cooking oysters is criminal.
> Myself, I have never eaten a cooked oyster, just raw ones with a nice pint
> of Guinness, or a chilled white wine, but Guinness is better, no matter how
> good the wine. I mean the Guinness in Ireland, of course, as it can be
> different abroad. I'm going yum yum just thinking about it, and must try
> the local fish shop to see if they're getting any nice oysters in.
> I see in one of the photos that someone is yielding a knife to open an
> oyster, so they must be different to mussels which open when cooked, but
> remain clamped shut before that - unless they're dead, and then one
> wouldn't want to be eating them unless one wants repeated visits - in
> extremis - to the toilet...
> Douglas
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tina Manley" <images at comporium.net>
> To: "lug" <lug at leica-users.org>; "Olympus Camera Discussion" <
> olympus at thomasclausen.net>; <MUGers at yahoogroups.com>; "paw" <
> paw at micapeak.com>; "seephoto" <seephoto at micapeak.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2015 4:30 PM
> Subject: [Leica] IMGS: Blacksburg Oyster Roast
>> Here are the rest of the photos from yesterday. This was actually before
>> the Burnt Mill Bar. The Oyster Roast started at 10 in the morning. It's
>> free and everybody is invited. It is a fund-raiser, held every year for
>> charity, and there are buckets on each table for donations. It's a small,
>> private airport and, usually, they have drunk Santas parachuting into the
>> crowd but it was too windy this year for even drunk pilots to fly! There
>> was plenty of moonshine being shared and sold. Tom would not eat any of
>> the oysters because they were steaming them in galvanized garbage cans.
>> Evidently, they do that every year and nobody has died yet!
>> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/162140335
>> And hit NEXT 12 more times. These are all with the SL and 24-90 and all
>> AF. I couldn't see what I was doing!
>> Tina
>> --
>> Tina Manley
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>> www.tinamanley.com
>> http://tina-manley.artistwebsites.com/
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Tina Manley
http:// <http://tina-manley.artistwebsites.com/>www.tinamanley.com
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