[Leica] Christmas Tree Hunt

Susan Ryan skalte at icloud.com
Mon Dec 7 22:38:34 PST 2015

What a fun story in pictures. It costs $10 here in Colorado - you got a deal!


> On Dec 7, 2015, at 9:05 AM, Aram Langhans <leica_r8 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> It has been 4 years since we had any snow in the mountains after Thanksgiving, when we go up and get our tree.  $5 for the permit, then off to the woods to find the perfect tree.
> It had just snowed a few days before, and the temp has remained in the teens or mid twenties, so it was still on the trees.  Makes for a pretty hike, but harder t find the perfect tree because they all look good.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/15/tr/Tree+Hunt-1253.jpg.html
> Here is the one we finally decided on.  There were two small trees growing up through it at the base, so it was hard to decide.  We were not sure what it would look like sans those trees.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/15/tr/Tree+Hunt-1252.jpg.html
> Cut and tied to our sled.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/15/tr/Tree+Hunt-1254.jpg.html
> no, I did not make my wife drag it the 1/2 mile to the truck.  Just for the picture.
> Had time to get in a little fun after the tree was secured.  these are frames captured from a video my wife took of me.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/15/tr/Tree+Hunt-01258-1.jpg.html
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/15/tr/Tree+Hunt-01258-2.jpg.html
> After a week in the garage for the residual snow to melt off it and time for it to get a good drink of water, we put it up a few days ago.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/15/tr/Christmas+tree-7518.jpg.html
> Merry Christmas to all.
> Aram
> Aram Langhans
> (Semi) Retired Science Teacher
> & Unemployed photographer
> “The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself would ever have dared dream.” James D. Watson 
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