[Leica] IMG: Two From My Archives

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Mon Dec 7 12:52:19 PST 2015

In 1980, I was shooting with a Polaroid SX-70.  This is an edited scan, 
showing my late wife and our first grandchild.  He is now a doctor with 
a successful practice in Internal Medicine, and has four children of his 


Among the family history keepsakes that my wife had was a studio photo 
of her great-grandparents and their family, typical of the studio work 
of the early 1900s.  Her grandfather is the young man second from the 
right as you view the photo.  There are some stains from the years that 
show if one looks too closely.  I did not attempt to remove them.

Her grandfather went on to build his own trailer incorporating a Direct 
Positive studio, which he and his wife used at fairs and celebrations to 
provide income during the 1930s.  His younger brother, in front, 
organized a crew that toured the West offering to convert family 
pictures into curved-glass covered portraits.  Though most such crews 
were honest, there were some dissatisfied customers, resulting in signs 
telling portrait salesmen that they were unwelcome and might be shot.

The young girl in front lived to be 101.


Comments and critiques always appreciated.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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