[Leica] For trade? Or, maybe I'm just way off base.

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 07:31:37 PST 2014


For what it's worth, since I got my M240 and MM I have hardly used the
Noctilux at all.  The higher ISOs on those two cameras are so much better,
I almost never need 1.0.  If you just like it for the shallow depth of
field or bokeh, that would would be different, but I find it so hard to
focus, I have to take 4x as many photos to get any in focus!!

Good luck with whatever you decide.  You will love the MM.


On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 1:59 AM, Susan Ryan <skalte at icloud.com> wrote:

> After seeing Perter's Monochrom photos and Steve's Nocti 1.0 photo, I'm
> experiencing som ennui. I'm also kind of just disgusted with myself for
> even asking this question. Would it be a bad idea or less then equitable
> either way, to try to swap my 1.5 year old, used only a handful of times,
> Nocti .95 for a used Monochrom and Nocti 1.0 combo? I would really love a
> Monochrom (I have an M9 I am not interested in selling) and I really prefer
> the Nocti 1 to the .95 bokeh. I'm not somone who sells and re-buys
> equipment. What I have is wonderful. Just wondering if I am missing
> something thinking this could be a fair trade if I found an interested,
> trustworty dealer or LUG member.
> Thoughts?
> Sue
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Tina Manley

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