[Leica] Alternative to the Monochrom! GET A DIGILUX 2?

Geoff Hopkinson hopsternew at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 15:39:26 PDT 2014

Ted these threads often seem to get muddled. To focus on your original
idea, basically you are interested  in a camera that can be set to produce
BW photos from the start and also that you see the image as BW in the
viewfinder? Nearly all modern digitals can do the first one.

To see the viewfinder image as BW you need a camera with an Electronic View
Finder (EVF). You can't see a BW image in the optical viewfinder like a
more traditional SLR or Leicas with rangefinders of course.
Cameras like the Fujifilms, Olympus or Sonys etc pretty much all have
Electronic View Finders now.
For other cameras that have optical viewfinders you can see the viewfinder
preview on the screen on the back if you use the LiveView but I don't think
that method would suit how you work very well (a bit more fiddly and there
are delays between "Jeesh look at that" and the "click".

Maybe it might all be clearer if you can get someone to demo the cameras
for you?


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