Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2024/08/01

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Subject: [Leica] IMG: a day in Madrid
From: lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 17:33:37 +0200
References: <>

Hola amigo,

Muy bonita tu visita a Madrid, precioso el C?rculo de Bellas Artes! pero ese 
se?or jugando al ajedrez en camiseta desdice la belleza del lugar, aunque 
lamentablemente hoy en d?a  se viste de maneras muy distintas, en el teatro 
del Liceu puedes ver a se?oras muy bien vestidas y en cambio a algunos de lo 
m?s extravagante.

De Elliot Erwitt no he tenido la suerte de ver una exposici?n tan completa, 
tan solo algunas de sus obras, siempre geniales! De Garcia Rodero s? que le 
he visto varias exposicioes, su trabajo ?La Espa?a oculta? es lo que m?s me 
gusta de ella, lo hizo llevando una vida aut?nticamente ?bohemia?, en un 
Seat 600, se compr? un saco de dormir y as?, con escasos medios recorri? 

Un abrazo

> El 1 ag 2024, a les 8:07, Nathan Wajsman <photo at> va 
> escriure:
> I went to Madrid for the day last Thursday, something that is possible 
> thanks to the high speed train that covers the 450 km in 2h20m or so. 
> Every summer there is a huge photography festival there called 
> PhotoEspa?a, and I usually go to look at selected exhibitions. This time 
> the highlights were an exhibition by Danish photographer Christian Franzen 
> (1864-1923) who lived in Madrid most of his adult life and became THE 
> photographer of royalty and celebrities. I had not heard of him before. 
> And then, to finish the day, I visited an incredible exhibition of more 
> than 150 works by Elliott Erwitt, all of them vintage prints, either work 
> prints or large exhibition prints, arranged thematically. Really 
> fantastic. The visit also gave me the opportunity to visit a couple of 
> venues I had not seen before, including Real Academia de Bellas Artes San 
> Fernando and the Fundaci?n Canal, an exhibition space funded by the 
> adjacent water company (not uncommon in Madrid, there are other great art 
> venues funded by insurance companies, banks etc.).
> It was over 30C already when I arrived before 10 a.m., and by the 
> afternoon the temperature reached 39C, or 102F in American money. So I did 
> not walk around as much as I normally would, instead relying on Madrid 
> excellent and inexpensive public transport. Both the metro and the buses 
> have very effective air conditioning, providing relief when moving from 
> one place to another.
> A mix of art and architecture can be seen here, with a few people thrown 
> in:
> As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
> photo at
> ????? ???????! ?????? ?????!
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