Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/08/29

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Subject: [Leica] SHOOTING B&W? - HENNING
From: philippe.amard at (philippe.amard)
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 17:03:31 +0200
References: <>

Le 29 ao?t 12 ? 15:52, Mark Rabiner a ?crit :

> Last year I spent around 5 months committing to B&W with my D700.
> I rigged it so its what I saw in my monitor on the back of the camera.
> I think I did so by having a monochrome jpeg be shot but also a  
> normal RAW.
> When they popped up on my computer monitor the Raw files would  be  
> black and
> white momentary but would convert in a few moments to color. I  
> rigged up a
> thing where I'd select them all hit a key and they'd go back to the
> monochrome what  I saw in the back of my camera. Often with a not so  
> subtle
> color toning cool or warm or some odd thing. Green even.
> Most of these images when I got to them a year later I went with color
> versions of them. And threw away the old monocrome .psd Photoshop  
> files.
> But those files were washed out looking as I did them with my  
> macbook pro
> screen. Now that I'm working with a NEC bigger and easier to calibrate
> screen my images are much more viable. They have blacks.  I spent a  
> few
> years making washed out images with no blacks. I wish you guys  
> woulda told
> me!

I think I had told you, but well, that was your signature tne Mark,  
and worked nicely on the night flowers IMHO

the D700 systematically exposes to the right, a slight click on the  
black slider in LR usually gives a shot some punch, to the detriment  
of subtlety though

Keep the night flowers coming as was Mark


> I had one macro so they'd all be a cool black another for warm. And  
> I'd go
> in phases heading out to shoot a bunch of cool or warm images.
> Don't know if the new Leica Monochrom has that or not but for me it  
> would be
> a most welcome addition to my workflo to put it as inanely as  
> possible.
> I was a black and white darkroom person for many decades. Thursday  
> nights
> were generally all nighter darkroom nights for Friday print deadlines.
> But I always had access to a color rental darkroom where I'd make  
> contact
> sheets from negs I'd get back in 30 minutes and make prints with the  
> same
> dodging and burning and easel as my black and white. Same el Nikkor  
> lens
> too.
> So I had no qualms about color.
> As I did more promotional photography than magazine work shot was  
> more color
> neg than transparency. But I was able to print the slides too either  
> with
> the use of an internet which I'd help make or direct positive in the  
> same
> lab.
> I never found color to be an artistic compromise. Though my gallery  
> showings
> were mainly from my own darkroom.
> Mark William Rabiner
> Photography
>> From: Gerry Walden <gerry.walden at>
>> Reply-To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 06:54:11 +0100
>> To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>> Subject: Re: [Leica] SHOOTING B&W? - HENNING
>> I agree with you Henning, and for a long time I had trouble getting  
>> my head
>> around things. It is all to do with that lovely word  
>> 'previsualisation'. When
>> we first see an image we previsualise how it will look as a print  
>> and make a
>> split-second decision on whether it will be in b&w or colour. We  
>> then shoot
>> accordingly but when it pops up on the screen we have to make that  
>> decision
>> all over again and very often the decision goes in the opposite  
>> direction to
>> our original thought so we end up with a mediocre colour image  
>> because we shot
>> it as b&w (or occasionally the other way around).
>> I have finally managed to get my head around this (I think!) but it  
>> now occurs
>> to me that one possibility, if the camera will allow, is to shoot  
>> raw+jpeg but
>> set the jpeg to b&w in your menu. That way you can just look at the  
>> jpegs in
>> the first instance by selecting only them in a program like  
>> Lightroom etc.
>> Just my thoughts,
>> Gerry
>> Gerry Walden
>> +44 (0)23 8046 3076 or
>> +44 (0)797 287 7932
>> On 28 Aug 2012, at 23:11, Henning Wulff <henningw at>  
>> wrote:
>>> I find it rather hard to shoot B&W with the regular flavour  
>>> (colour) digital
>>> cameras. No matter how I think in B&W, when I chimp I still see  
>>> colour,
>>> unless I shoot in jpeg and I'm not going down that route. If I see  
>>> the LCD
>>> with a colour image and start getting that in my head, I have  
>>> trouble taking
>>> the next picture for B&W, especially if its just a slight  
>>> variation on the
>>> first.
>>> The best I can do with a regular camera is with the M8 or M9;  
>>> there I can
>>> just shoot, turn off the LCD and not chimp and I see through the  
>>> viewfinder
>>> what I would see with any M camera loaded with B&W camera I ever  
>>> had. So
>>> right now I shoot colour with the M9 and B&W with the M8; I can  
>>> get my mind
>>> around that. Also, since I've always had trouble really getting my  
>>> mind
>>> around shooting colour and B&W on the same day, I usually only  
>>> take one or
>>> the other.
>>> When I was shooting a lot of 4x5 for assignments, clients would  
>>> sometimes ask
>>> me to shoot both colour and B&W for them, and I'd have to ask  
>>> which was the
>>> more important? Then I'd get into that frame of mind and bring  
>>> back a good
>>> set of the primary type and a not so good set of the other. If it  
>>> was medium
>>> format stuff I'd usually try to shoot one type first and then come  
>>> back the
>>> next day for the other, if the budget allowed for it and  
>>> everything else
>>> cooperated. Just having two cameras loaded with different film  
>>> didn't give
>>> optimum results for one or the other.
>>> I'm extremely tempted by the MM, and if the M10 wouldn't be  
>>> announced in a
>>> month I'd probably order an MM. But I'll wait and see.
>>> Henning
>>> On 2012-08-27, at 2:46 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
>>>> I am getting the MM for the new sensor with higher ISO  
>>>> performance and
>>>> better resolution.  I will carry two cameras, the M9 for color  
>>>> and the MM
>>>> for B&W, just like I did with film.  I don't see how that will  
>>>> hamper my
>>>> success as a B&W photographer.
>>>> Tina
>>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Gerry Walden  
>>>> <gerry.walden at> wrote:
>>>>> For me one of the most useful attributes of the new digital  
>>>>> realm most of
>>>>> us move in is that we have a black and white camera and a colour  
>>>>> camera
>>>>> built into one. What is more, we have every speed of film plus  
>>>>> some at our
>>>>> disposal every time we put that camera to our eye. i do not need  
>>>>> a b&w
>>>>> camera and a colour camera. I have them both in a single unit  
>>>>> and can use
>>>>> them accordingly. If you continue thinking of b&w as a 'spin- 
>>>>> off' of the
>>>>> colour digital camera you have slung around your neck you will  
>>>>> never be a
>>>>> successful b&w photographer. It would be like owning a car and  
>>>>> only ever
>>>>> using one of its gears.
>>>>> Gerry
>>>>> Gerry Walden
>>>>> +44 (0)23 8046 3076 or
>>>>> +44 (0)797 287 7932
>>>>> On 27 Aug 2012, at 21:54, George Lottermoser <imagist3 at>  
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:28 PM, tedgrant at wrote:
>>>>>>> And they look quite good! Occasionally it's nice to feel...  
>>>>>>> "Well that
>>>>> kinda looks like I still have the touch!" And smile inwardly! :-)
>>>>>> You have worked long enough
>>>>>> and hard enough
>>>>>> to have the soul of a photographer
>>>>>> firmly and permanently installed.
>>>>>> Ain't never ever go'n away.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> George Lottermoser
>>>>>> george at
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Tina Manley, ASMP
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>>>> Leica Users Group.
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>>>> information
>>> Henning Wulff
>>> henningw at
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>>> Leica Users Group.
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> Leica Users Group.
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In reply to: Message from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] SHOOTING B&W? - HENNING)