Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/09/11

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Subject: [Leica] EBay Paypal sting - off topic
From: john.o.newell at (J. Newell)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 00:42:40 +0000 (UTC)

John has it right, IMO.? If payment is by PayPal, under their rules you are 
crazy to ship by any method that is not trackable with proof of delivery and 
not fully insured.?? I've given up trying to ship things overseas due to the 
cost, which neither the would-be buyer nor I want to pay. :-( 

John Newell 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Collier" <jbcollier at> 
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at> 
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 7:49:21 PM 
Subject: Re: [Leica] EBay Paypal sting - off topic 

Next time you list on eBay, simply spell out the shipping and associated 
costs in the auction. Only allow traceable airmail period. If they don't 
want to pay the shipping they don't have to bid. 

I am only flexible with shipping when I sell things on this and one or two 
other lists. 


On 2010-09-11, at 9:36 AM, H&ECummer wrote: 

> Since some of you, perhaps many, buy things from and sell things on Ebay 
> and use Paypal. I thought you might benefit from my cautionary tale. 
> Over the last two years I have been liquidating my model train collection 
> and selling the occasional unused lens (some Leica - to slip back on 
> topic). 
> In just under 100 transactions and over $16,000 in sales I have not had a 
> problem until now. In early August I sold an N gauge model train to a 
> buyer in the south of France. He elected to have cheap sea shipment as the 
> engine wasn't very expensive, paid his money to Paypal and I shipped the 
> train, including a Canada Post tracking on August 5. By August 19 the 
> tracking number didn't show any movement from the post office and the 
> buyer put a hold on his funds. On August 24 the tracking picked up again 
> and showed the parcel had left Canada. I asked the buyer to release the 
> hold and he said he would after the goods arrived - not cricket but what 
> can one do? On Sept 6 he advanced the hold to a claim. I gave all the info 
> I had to Paypal, including a scan of the Post Office receipt and on 
> September 9, despite the information about the length of time a sea 
> shipment could take, they reversed the funds in my account and gave him 
> his money back! So, in the next weeks he will receive h 
?is train for free and I have very little recourse because I only get 10 
days to dispute the pay back and the only proof I can give is delivery of 
the package which may not have happened in that time. I have complained 
loudly to Paypal (IN CAPITALS) and they have answered with anodyne lawyer 
approved boiler plate. 
> To add insult to injury the buyer has left me negative feedback for non 
> delivery and there goes my 100% positive rating! That hurts more than the 
> money! 
> So, some words to the wise. Don't deal with anyone who uses a hotmail 
> address. Don't deal with anyone with several neutral ratings (funny he 
> didn't have any negatives in nearly 600 transactions but several neutrals 
> with complaints) and take out your money for every transaction as soon as 
> it is deposited. Paypal is not the seller's friend. 
> Older (day by day) and wiser (only once in awhile). 

Leica Users Group. 
See for more information 

In reply to: Message from jbcollier at (John Collier) ([Leica] EBay Paypal sting - off topic)