Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/11/22

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Subject: [Leica] POST - OP REPORT. :-)
From: rclark01 at (rclark01 at
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 19:42:27 +0000 (UTC)

Great news, Dr. Ted! Glad to hear it all went well. I had three retina 
related surgeries in 2006 so I can appreciate very much what you endured! 

Best wishes, 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: tedgrant at 
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at> 
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 12:30:20 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [Leica] POST - OP REPORT. :-) 

Post-op report: 
First let me say thank you to those who've sent well wishes and offered most 
heart warmimg concerns. :-) 

I realize there are any number of folks out there who've undergone cataract 
removal and lens replacment or other eye surgeries, so mine isn't any 
different, accept for one thing. I have only one eye, the left and up to 
this point it has served me rather well. The right eye? Well it basically 
goes along for a free ride with a very weak sight limit considered legally 

So you can understand the extra stress for me if anything went wrong? Yes it 
was pointed out to me some times basically "shit happens!" :-( Like maybe 1 
in 10,000 or more times some little thing happens that shouldn't and if it 
did I would be blind! Bad scene for a photographer. :-( So I said a prayer 
to the "Great Spirit" and away we went. 

Those who've experienced the eye operation scene will know what I'm talking 
about the brilliant lights and colours during the operation. My gosh if I 
could capture those colours on film or digital I could become the worlds 
greatest exotic fine art photographer! ;-) Trust me, unless you've seen 
these effects there isn't anything that comes anywhere near the beauty and 
brilliance of the images. Once a photographer----yer always a photographer 
no matter where you are! :-) ?;-) 

The actual operation was a painless no big deal, other than brilliant 
lighting effects. It's suggested one should go to the toilet before and 
empty your bladder. I did that. However????? :-) Yeah you know ... I hear 
the surgeon say, "OK Ted just relax and we'll get on with this and it'll be 
over shortly!" 

Right there and then I promptly "pee" myself! :-) What the hell I had no 
control and away I went! :-) It did seem strange and I told the doctor, "OK, 
I'm relaxed and just pee'd myself." ?He responded with... " I didn't mean 
for you to relax that much!" At which I could hear nurses and doctor 
chuckling! Oh well it was all part of the experience! ;-) Later I was told 
"Don't feel bad as you're not alone, it's happened to others!" 

Later, lighting everywhere was brilliant, white were icedble whites. Not a 
hope to look at the computer screen it was a blinding power light that I 
tried wearing dark sun glasses to no avail. So today is really the most 
comfortable. So here's the report. 

I've looked through the view finders of a couple of Canon SLR's and every 
thing seems fine and brighter. The M8 viewfinder is much clearer and the 
focus patch more distinct. Does this mean my pictures will be better? Not 
likely but at least they should be sharper! ;-) 

So lads and lasses it's nice to have this over with and a fine eye 

A photojournalist friend of mine Quinton Gordon turned his M9 on the scene 
and shot me being patient, not that I could see anything he was shooting, 
however later. 

Thanks again everyone as it's an all's well, that end's well story! :-) 

Dr. ted 

Leica Users Group. 
See for more information 

In reply to: Message from tedgrant at (tedgrant at ([Leica] POST - OP REPORT. :-))