Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/11/22

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Subject: [Leica] POST - OP REPORT. :-)
From: Frank.Dernie at (Frank Dernie)
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 19:03:00 +0000
References: <> <E2F71D62FF034CDCAB693756B7485D48@syneticfeba505> <A598E3628A1F47E8A3CABAA58A963521@syneticfeba505>

Great that it went well. My mother had her cataracts dealt with a few years 
ago and her sight improved massively, I had not seen her so delighted in a 
long time.
Hope it is the same for you!

On 22 Nov, 2009, at 17:30, <tedgrant at> <tedgrant at> wrote:

> Post-op report:
> First let me say thank you to those who've sent well wishes and offered 
> most heart warmimg concerns. :-)
> I realize there are any number of folks out there who've undergone 
> cataract removal and lens replacment or other eye surgeries, so mine isn't 
> any different, accept for one thing. I have only one eye, the left and up 
> to this point it has served me rather well. The right eye? Well it 
> basically goes along for a free ride with a very weak sight limit 
> considered legally blind.
> So you can understand the extra stress for me if anything went wrong? Yes 
> it was pointed out to me some times basically "shit happens!" :-( Like 
> maybe 1 in 10,000 or more times some little thing happens that shouldn't 
> and if it did I would be blind! Bad scene for a photographer. :-( So I 
> said a prayer to the "Great Spirit" and away we went.
> Those who've experienced the eye operation scene will know what I'm 
> talking about the brilliant lights and colours during the operation. My 
> gosh if I could capture those colours on film or digital I could become 
> the worlds greatest exotic fine art photographer! ;-) Trust me, unless 
> you've seen these effects there isn't anything that comes anywhere near 
> the beauty and brilliance of the images. Once a photographer----yer always 
> a photographer no matter where you are! :-)  ;-)
> The actual operation was a painless no big deal, other than brilliant 
> lighting effects. It's suggested one should go to the toilet before and 
> empty your bladder. I did that. However????? :-) Yeah you know ... I hear 
> the surgeon say, "OK Ted just relax and we'll get on with this and it'll 
> be over shortly!"
> Right there and then I promptly "pee" myself! :-) What the hell I had no 
> control and away I went! :-) It did seem strange and I told the doctor, 
> "OK, I'm relaxed and just pee'd myself."  He responded with... " I didn't 
> mean for you to relax that much!" At which I could hear nurses and doctor 
> chuckling! Oh well it was all part of the experience! ;-) Later I was told 
> "Don't feel bad as you're not alone, it's happened to others!"
> Later, lighting everywhere was brilliant, white were icedble whites. Not a 
> hope to look at the computer screen it was a blinding power light that I 
> tried wearing dark sun glasses to no avail. So today is really the most 
> comfortable. So here's the report.
> I've looked through the view finders of a couple of Canon SLR's and every 
> thing seems fine and brighter. The M8 viewfinder is much clearer and the 
> focus patch more distinct. Does this mean my pictures will be better? Not 
> likely but at least they should be sharper! ;-)
> So lads and lasses it's nice to have this over with and a fine eye 
> improvement!
> A photojournalist friend of mine Quinton Gordon turned his M9 on the scene 
> and shot me being patient, not that I could see anything he was shooting, 
> however later.
> Thanks again everyone as it's an all's well, that end's well story! :-)
> cheers,
> Dr. ted
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In reply to: Message from hopsternew at (Geoff Hopkinson) ([Leica] IMG: Drama recital and M9)
Message from tedgrant at (tedgrant at ([Leica] This maybe my last post for a few days? eye OP! :-()
Message from tedgrant at (tedgrant at ([Leica] POST - OP REPORT. :-))