Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/09/09

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Subject: [Leica] Fw: X1 might be ok
From: h_arche at (H. Ball Arche)
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 16:18:23 -0700 (PDT)
References: <> <> <> <> <> <p06230901c6cdc3d25efd@[]>

There are several things I'd want to know about this camera before writing 
if off.

How does the manual focus distance scale work, as well as the DOF range 
indicator? If it's substantially improved over the LX3, with a more readable 
foot/meter scale, that's a big plus, especially if you can program a preset 
focal distance.

Is the ISO 3200 performance really up to spec?

Does the build quality approach my IIIc? (I'm insisting on seeing the X1 as 
having the Barnack heritage; the brochure says 'all metal' construction, 

And if they could come up with 28 equivalent lens, and drop the price to 
around $1500 by next fall, for my purposes it would answer quite well.

----- Original Message ----
From: Henning Wulff <henningw at>
To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 3:46:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] leica x1 @ popflash

At 1:33 PM -0700 9/9/09, Richard Man wrote:
> IF it has much faster write time, then why would anyone else wants a
> Sigma DP-1, DP-2 etc.?

1/2 the price? Foveon quality?

I tried the DP-1 for a bit; in my personal opinion an almost unuseable 
camera, but still, some people like it. The DP-2 is better, but not enough.

On the other hand, if you have Leica lenses, why would you want an X-1? Used 
M8 prices are pretty close to X-1 prices, and while the X-1 has autofocus, I 
doubt that it has as little lag as the M8.

   *            Henning J. Wulff
  /|\      Wulff Photography & Design
/###\   mailto:henningw at
|[ ]|

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Replies: Reply from gregj_lorenzo at (Greg Lorenzo) ([Leica] Fw: X1 might be ok)
In reply to: Message from msadat at (mehrdad) ([Leica] leica x1 @ popflash)
Message from richard.lists at (Richard Man) ([Leica] leica x1 @ popflash)
Message from Frank.Dernie at (Frank Dernie) ([Leica] leica x1 @ popflash)
Message from dennis at (Dennis) ([Leica] leica x1 @ popflash)
Message from richard.lists at (Richard Man) ([Leica] leica x1 @ popflash)
Message from henningw at (Henning Wulff) ([Leica] leica x1 @ popflash)