Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/12/13

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Subject: [Leica] RD-1 now Backup
From: sethrosner at (Seth Rosner)
Date: Sat Dec 13 13:55:53 2008
References: <><><><><676A5AC096854A4B99E941735E7D757A@D1S9FY41> <>

I understand better what you meant Luis. It is exactly why I have wondered 
about an M8 and NOT bought one. I've been so busy as a lawyer and with 
related work that I do not photograph so much so the cost of film for me 
like you is not significant.

But an M8 would have a very significant benefit for me that I have not seen 
mentioned very often; that is, for people who travelfrequently, as I do, the 
vexation of airport security has become almost unbearable to me. When I fly 
with a camera kit, I always add to the film bag a roll of ASA800 or 1600 
film and ask for hand inspection. Frequently this  leads to an argument with 
security "our machines will not harm your film". At the least it is 
additional delay. Leica M8 - through the machine, pas de probleme.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Luis Miguel Casta?eda Navas" <>
To: "Leica Users Group" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] RD-1 now Backup

> On 13/12/2008, at 21:28, Seth Rosner wrote:
>> Luis, the difference isn't complicated: computers do not require
>> replenishment, at most an insignificant amount of electric power;
>> film does.
> You didn't understand my statement. I'm not arguing in favour -or
> against- of this or that, there is no matter if the cost is high or
> low, in the end a cost is a cost, and should be counted.
> With digital photography people tends to skip expenses hiding
> themselves behind other uses of the stuff, when in fact you - or me
> for the case - wouldn't updated the computer, the software, the
> printer, or whatever else we did if we weren't in need of processing
> such stuff, to do not tell that the comparaison with shooting film
> about savings in processing is faux for those who do not make a living
> out of photography, just because most of us never shot such amount of
> pictures/day never ever before, and well, if you ask me most of them -
> mines first- are just useless crap.
> Digital for amateurs is wondeful as long as the amateur likes it, but
> there is no need to exceed the facts.
> I feel better, to hell with photography, art, women, and all
> E. Weston, 1924
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information


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Replies: Reply from images at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
In reply to: Message from amr3 at (Alan Magayne-Roshak) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
Message from lists at (Harrison McClary) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
Message from photo at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
Message from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
Message from sethrosner at (Seth Rosner) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
Message from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)