Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/12/13

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Subject: [Leica] RD-1 now Backup
From: photo at (Nathan Wajsman)
Date: Sat Dec 13 10:52:15 2008
References: <> <>

I am an amateur. I bought my E3 about 11 months ago, and in those 11  
months I have shot the equivalent of about 20 rolls of film per month  
with it. Each roll would have cost an average of 12 EUR to buy and  
process, so the savings is 240 EUR per month or 2880 EUR per year--far  
more than I paid for the E3.

The computer I have is an iMac which I bought earlier this year. But I  
would have bought this computer even if I were not taking pictures. I  
use it to surf, to e-mail, to work with Excel, Word, Powerpoint etc.  
So its cost was not incurred as a consequence of photography and so  
should not be counted. The only computer expense that is incremental  
are a couple of external hard drives, since photographs do indeed  
require lots of storage. But even then, and despite the fact that I  
have not earned one cent with my photos, I am still ahead of film,  
financially speaking.

The M8 I just got will take a bit longer to pay for itself in film  
savings, but it will definitely have done so by the time the 2-year  
warranty is up. And my enjoyment of it is priceless.


Nathan Wajsman
Alicante, Spain


On Dec 13, 2008, at 4:13 PM, Harrison McClary wrote:

> These arguments I always find a little misleading.  They leave out  
> the fact you should buy external drives for back up, and those in  
> redundancy.  You need a good fast computer or editing your photos  
> will be painful.  You need software to edit those photos.  There is  
> far more cost to digital than just the camera and all of that HAS to  
> be considered also, IMHO.
> Alan Magayne-Roshak wrote:
>> "Alastair Firkin" <> wrote:
>>> Of course if you get 500000 shots from your M8 it will have paid  
>>> for itself even if you are not a pro. Its got a guarantee so shoot  
>>> for a year >and you will have saved quite a bit anyway.
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>> =====================================================================
>> I don't follow.  If (an amateur) doesn't make money using an M8,  
>> how can it be said to have paid for itself?  The money hasn't come  
>> back; maybe less will be spent in support than with film, but that  
>> doesn't seem to be the same thing as recovering the initial expense.
>> Alan
>> Alan Magayne-Roshak, Senior Photographer
>> UPAA POY 1978
>> University Information Technology Services
>> University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
>> _______________________________________________
>> Leica Users Group.
>> See for more information
> -- 
> Harrison McClary
> Harrison McClary Photography
> ImageStockSouth - Stock Photography
> Tobacco Road: Personal Blog:
> _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information

Replies: Reply from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
Reply from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
In reply to: Message from amr3 at (Alan Magayne-Roshak) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)
Message from lists at (Harrison McClary) ([Leica] RD-1 now Backup)